Navodaya Dakshana Selection Test (NDST) Question Paper

NDST Question Paper: Unlocking the Path to Excellence


The Navodaya Dakshana Selection Test (NDST) is a gateway for gifted students to embark on a transformative journey toward success. Conducted by the Dakshana Foundation 2018, this test identifies promising candidates for intensive coaching in competitive exams like IIT JEE and NEET. In this Post, we’ll delve into the significance of NDST, explore the question paper, and provide valuable insights for aspirants.

dakshana question paper

Understanding NDST

  1. Purpose and Eligibility:
    • NDST serves as the primary evaluation tool for selecting students after their 10th-grade year.
    • Eligible candidates include those from Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas and government schools across India.
  2. The NDST Question Paper:
    • The NDST question paper covers a range of subjects relevant to competitive exams.
    • It includes mathematics, science, language skills, and other topics aligned with the exam syllabus.

Benefits of Solving NDST Question Papers

  1. Familiarity with Pattern:
    • Solving previous NDST papers provides insights into the exam format and question distribution.
    • Candidates become comfortable with the paper structure.
  2. Content Mastery:
    • Regular practice enhances knowledge of core subjects.
    • It reinforces learning from textbooks and classroom teaching.
  3. Effective Time Management:
    • Practicing under timed conditions improves time management during the actual exam.

Tips for Success (jdst exam sample paper)

  1. Thorough Syllabus Coverage:
    • Understand the prescribed syllabus thoroughly.
    • Focus on key concepts and subtopics within mathematics and science.
  2. Practice Writing Answers:
    • Write concise and accurate answers for both short and long questions.
    • Use appropriate scientific terminology.
  3. Analyze MCQs:
    • Pay attention to keywords in multiple-choice questions.
    • Systematically eliminate incorrect options.

Obtaining NDST question papers is a crucial step in the preparation journey. These resources are instrumental in providing candidates with a diverse range of questions for comprehensive practice, ensuring readiness for the exam.

 Syllabus of NDST Question Paper

MathsBiologyPhysicsChemistryLogical Reasoning
Real NumbersLife processesLight – Reflection and RefractionChemical Reactions and EquationsVerbal
PolynomialsControl and CoordinationHuman Eye and Colourful WorldAcids, bases and saltsNumber Series
Pair of Linear Equations in Two VariablesOrganism ReproductionElectricityMetals and Non-MetalsLetter Series
Quadratic EquationsHeredity and EvolutionMagnetic Effects of Electric CurrentCarbon and its CompoundsAnalogies
Arithmetic Progressions  Periodic classification of ElementsCause & Effect
Triangles   Verbal Classification
Coordinate Geometry   Blood Relations
Introduction to Trigonometry   Logical Sequence of Words
Some Applications of Trigonometry   Direction Sense Test
Circles   Logical Venn Diagram
Constructions   Data Sufficiency
Areas Related to Circles   Coding Decoding
Surface Areas and Volumes   Assertion and Reason
Statistics   Analyzing Arguments
Probability   Logical Problems
    Course of Action
    Matching Definition
    Statement and Assumptions
    Image Series
    Construction of Shapes
    Picture Analogies
    Rule Detection

dakshana foundation sample papers class 12

Download PDFLink
PhysicsClick here
ChemistryClick here
Biology – IClick here
Biology – IIClick here


Official NDST Website (dakshana question paper 2018)

The official NDST website serves as the primary and most reliable source for accessing authentic question papers. Educational boards typically maintain a dedicated section on their websites where candidates can find past question papers for reference. The official website guarantees accuracy, currency, and alignment with the current exam pattern.

Steps to Access Question Papers on the Official NDST Website:

  1. Visit Official NDST Website: Visit the official NDST website to find genuine and current question papers.
  2. Select Class/Year: Select the particular grade or academic year from which you wish to download the question papers.
  3. Choose Subject: Choose the subject that corresponds to your exam; question papers are typically categorized by subject.
  4. Download Papers: Click on the download links for the specific papers you require.
  5. Save Files: Save the downloaded question papers in a location for easy access during practice.

Explore Educational Platforms: In addition to the official website, candidates can also explore reputable educational platforms for additional NDST question papers.

Utilize Online Learning Resources: Digital libraries, online learning portals, and exam preparation websites offer supplementary question papers for practice.

Seek Teacher Guidance: For further assistance, candidates can consult teachers or educational institutions to obtain question papers tailored to their preparation needs.


The NDST question paper is your compass on the path to excellence. Prepare diligently, solve previous year papers, and approach the exam with confidence. Remember, NDST opens doors to a brighter future. Best of luck! 🌟

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